Portals API PSA | New Free Tier & Upgrade to v2 endpoints before December 21st

All Portals data users must have a valid API key and upgrade from v1/portal & v1/estimate endpoints to their v2 counterparts before deprecation.

May 31, 2024

On December 21st, the Portals API enters its next phase, building on last month’s Pyxis update. For Portals API & data users, this new v2 phase will result in new swap & zap opportunities, more platform coverage, access to additional data metrics, an expanded dashboard, and improved means of integration management. The v2 phase will wholly replace the v1/portal & v1/estimate endpoints, which will be deprecated and rendered obsolete.

Get your free API key by signing in to the Portals Dashboard and upgrade your project’s v1/portal & v1/estimate integrations to v2/portal & v2/estimate endpoints before December 21st.

Once live, the v1 endpoints will cease to function. We’re in contact with all major projects utilizing Portals API to ensure a smooth transition. However, it’s on all integrators themselves to ensure a timely switch to v2. In the lead up to December 21st, we’ll broadcast and amplify the deprecation of v1 as widely as possible to ensure no project utilizing Portals API is left behind.

How Do I Prepare?

1) Check out our available subscription plans, including a free-tier and bespoke options to cater to your project’s stage & size.

Subscription plans provide all the flexibility your project needs.

2) Utilize the Portals Swagger UI to retrieve the new query parameters of v2.

Swagger UI allows you to interact with the API through your browser

3) Visit our Portals API Docs page, which contains all the information you need to get ready for v2.

Our docs page provides an extensive overview of the many cogs driving the Portals API

4) Should you run into any technical hiccups or require further assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us directly through the contact form below. We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Contact Us Now

v1 deprecation is a major milestone towards further streamlining the Portals API experience while providing industry-competitive opportunities for our users; we’ll make sure supercharging projects with DeFi capabilities becomes a cinch for all.